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Exatlon Romania | Episode 12
Exatlon Romania | Episode 11
Exatlon Romania | Episode 68
Exatlon Romania | Episode 67
Exatlon Romania | Episode 66
Exatlon Romania | Episode 65
Exatlon Romania | Episode 64
Exatlon Romania | Episode 63
Exatlon Romania | Episode 62
Exatlon Romania | Episode 61
Exatlon Romania | Episode 10
Ionut and Alex face to face in an interview! What a scandal! Ep 63
How many muscles does the elephant's trunk have? ARENA Quiz! Ep 63
Mini-game to win the meatball soup! Ep 62
The Famous team received messages from their loved ones! They experienced emotional moments!
The contestants were excited before the game! Who misses them?
Famous , Scuba Diving and dinner in the restaurant! They enjoyed a night of fun Ep 39
A mini game with a delicious bet! Ep 61
The end of the test was very hard for the contestants Ep 61
Love in Exatlon while Geanina was sleeping Ep 61
The Non Famous team burst into tears Ep 38
Famous and Non Famous fight for the castle! Ep 60
Ionut, shouted after being injured! Unfortunate moment Ep 60
The most fun questions are in the ARENA QUIZ! Ep 60
Famous and Non Famous in a new battle for the Castle! Ep 37
The Non Famous team was spoiled after winning the game! Ep 59
Good luck with the mini game! Ep 59
Famous and Non Famous compete for a feast! Who will win the competition?
One contestant of the Non Famous team was eliminated! Who will be eliminated? Ep 36
Ionut needs medical care! What happened? Ep 36
New contestant joined to the Famous team! Who's Valentin? Ep 36
How do teams compete in mini-games? Ep 35